
Orlova, A.P.; Bernbeck, M.G.; Rinehart, J.D. Designing Quantum Spaces of Higher Dimensionality from a Tetranuclear Erbium-Based Single-Molecule Magnet. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024.

Bernbeck, M.G.; Orlova, A.P.; Hilgar, J.D.; Gembicky, M.; Ozerov, M.; Rinehart, J.D. Dipolar Coupling as a Mechanism for Fine Control of Magnetic States in ErCOT-Alkyl Molecular Magnets. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024.

Orlova, A.P.; Varley, M.S.; Bernbeck, M.G.; Kirkpatrick, K.M.; Bunting, P.C.; Gembicky, M.; Rinehart, J.D. A molecular network approach to anisotropic Ising lattices: Parsing magnetization dynamics in Er3+ systems with 0 – 3 dimensional spin interactivity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023.

Kirkpatrick, K.M.; Zhou, B.H.; Bunting, P.C.; Rinehart, J.D., Quantifying Superparamagnetic Signatures in Nanoparticle Magnetite: A Generalized Approach for Physically Meaningful Statistics and Synthesis Diagnostics., Chemical Science, 2023. 

Kirkpatrick, K.M.; Zhou, B.H.; Bunting, P.C.; Rinehart, J.D., Size-Tunable Magnetite Nanoparticles from Well-Defined Iron Oleate Precursors, Chemistry of Materials, 2022. 

Orlova, A.P.; Hilgar, J.D.; Bernbeck, M.G.; Gembicky, M.; Rinehart, J.D., Intuitive Control of Low-Energy Magnetic Excitations via Directed Dipolar Interactions in a Series of Er(III)-Based Complexes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022. 

Mantanona, A.J.; Rinehart, J.D.; et. al., Tuning electronic structure through halide modulation of mesoionic carbene cobalt complexes, Dalton Transactions, 2020

Bernbeck, M.G.; Hilgar, J.D.; Rinehart, J.D., Probing axial anisotropy in dinuclear alkoxide-bridged Er–COT single-molecule magnets, Polyhedron, 2019. 

Hilgar, J.D.; Butts, A.K.; Rinehart, J.D., A method for extending AC susceptometry to long-timescale magnetic relaxation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019. 

Zhou, B.H.; Rinehart, J.D., Pseudo Spin Valve Behavior in Colloidally Prepared Nanoparticle Films, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 2019. 

Hilgar, J.D.; Bernbeck, M.G.; Rinehart, J.D., Million-fold relaxation time enhancement across a series of phosphino-supported erbium single-molecule magnets, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019. 

Xie, Y.; Rinehart, J.D.; et. al., Tuning the ultrasonic and photoacoustic response of polydopamine-stabilized perfluorocarbon contrast agents, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019. 

Xie, Y.; Rinehart, J.D.; et. al., Perfluorocarbon-loaded polydopamine nanoparticles as ultrasound contrast agents, Nanoscale, 2018

Xie, Y.; Rinehart, J.D.; et. al., Strengthening nanocomposite magnetism through microemulsion synthesis, Nano Research, 2018. 

Hilgar, J.D.; Bernbeck, M.G.; Flores, B.S.; Rinehart, J.D., Metal–ligand pair anisotropy in a series of mononuclear Er–COT complexes, Chem. Sci., 2018. 

Zhou, B.H.; Rinehart, J.D., A Size Threshold for Enhanced Magnetoresistance in Colloidally Prepared CoFe2O4 Nanoparticle Solids, ACS Cent. Sci., 2018

Pius O. Adelani, Aaron N. Duke, Benjamin H. Zhou, and Jeffrey D. Rinehart, Role of magnetic concentration in modulating the magnetic properties of ultra-small FePt nanoparticles, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2017

Charles J. Barrows, Jeffrey D. Rinehart, Hirokazu Nagaoka, Dane W. deQuilettes, Michael Salvador, Jennifer I. L. Chen, David S. Ginger, and Daniel R. Gamelin, Electrical Detection of Quantum Dot Hot Electrons Generated via a Mn2+-Enhanced Auger Process, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2017. 

Jeremy D. Hilgar, Brandon S. Flores, and Jeffrey D. Rinehart, Ferromagnetic coupling in a chloride-bridged erbium single-molecule magnet, Chem. Commun., 2017

Kwang Soo Lim, Woo Ram Lee, Han Geul Lee, Dong Won Kang, Jeong Hwa Song, Jeremy Hilgar, Jeffrey D. Rinehart, Dohyun Moon, and Chang Seop Hong, Control of Interchain Antiferromagnetic Coupling in Porous Co(II)-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks by Tuning the Aromatic Linker Length: How Far Does Magnetic Interaction Propagate?, Inorg. Chem., 2017. 

Zhao Wang, Fabio Carniato, Yijun Xie, Yuran Huang, Yiwen Li, Sha He, Nanzhi Zang, Jeffrey D. Rinehart, Mauro Botta, and Nathan C. Gianneschi, High Relaxivity Gadolinium-Polydopamine Nanoparticles, Small., 2017. 

Zhao Wang, Yijun Xie, Yiwen Li, Yuran Huang, Lucas R. Parent, Treffly Ditri, Nanzhi Zang, Jeffrey D. Rinehart, and Nathan C. Giannesch, Tunable, Metal-Loaded Polydopamine Nanoparticles Analyzed by Magnetometry, Chem. Mater., 2017. 

Yiwen Li, Yuran Huang, Zhao Wang, Fabio Carniato, Yijun Xie, Joseph P. Patterson, Matthew P. Thompson, Christopher M. Andolina, Treffly B. Ditri, Jill E. Millstone, Joshua S. Figueroa, Jeffrey D. Rinehart, Miriam Scadeng, Mauro Botta, and Nathan C. Gianneschi, Polycatechol Nanoparticle MRI Contrast Agents, Small, 2016

Tomohiko Hamaguchi, Michael D. Doud, Jeremy Hilgar, Jeffrey D. Rinehart, and Clifford P. Kubiak, Competing ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions in a hexagonal bipyramidal nickel thiolate cluster, Dalton Trans., 2016. 

Li Y, Xie Y, Wang Z, Zang N, Carniato F, Huang Y, Andolina CM, Parent LR, Ditri TB, Walter ED, Botta M, Rinehart JD, and Gianneschi NC, Structure and Function of Iron-Loaded Synthetic Melanin, ACS Nano, 2016.